openbsd 6.9 release and current radeondrm boot fail
Ted Roby
2021-05-22 23:06:30 UTC
I have an inconsistent issue where MOST times I cannot fully boot with
radeondrm enabled.

When the booting kernel switches to a driver supported display with
higher resolution I lose the display. I have a Radeon HD 5770
installed, and the dmesg seems to say CYPRESS. This doesn't seem
correct. When boot fails the last line I see before losing display is:

radeondrm0: CYPRESS

Snapshot dmesg from successful boot with radeondrm enabled:

OpenBSD 6.9-current (GENERIC.MP) #29: Fri May 21 13:20:08 MDT 2021
real mem = 4276682752 (4078MB)
avail mem = 4131631104 (3940MB)
random: good seed from bootblocks
mpath0 at root
scsibus0 at mpath0: 256 targets
mainbus0 at root
bios0 at mainbus0: SMBIOS rev. 2.5 @ 0xf06e0 (74 entries)
bios0: vendor American Megatrends Inc. version "2402" date 01/06/2010
bios0: ASUSTeK Computer INC. M4A79T Deluxe
acpi0 at bios0: ACPI 3.0
acpi0: sleep states S0 S1 S3 S4 S5
acpi0: wakeup devices PCE2(S4) PCE3(S4) PCE4(S4) PCE5(S4) PCE6(S4)
P0PC(S4) UHC1(S4) UHC2(S4) UHC3(S4) [...]
acpitimer0 at acpi0: 3579545 Hz, 32 bits
acpimadt0 at acpi0 addr 0xfee00000: PC-AT compat
cpu0 at mainbus0: apid 0 (boot processor)
cpu0: AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 965 Processor, 3412.06 MHz, 10-04-03
cpu0: 64KB 64b/line 2-way I-cache, 64KB 64b/line 2-way D-cache, 512KB
64b/line 16-way L2 cache
cpu0: ITLB 32 4KB entries fully associative, 16 4MB entries fully associative
cpu0: DTLB 48 4KB entries fully associative, 48 4MB entries fully associative
cpu0: AMD erratum 721 detected and fixed
cpu0: smt 0, core 0, package 0
mtrr: Pentium Pro MTRR support, 8 var ranges, 88 fixed ranges
cpu0: apic clock running at 200MHz
cpu0: mwait min=64, max=64, IBE
cpu1 at mainbus0: apid 1 (application processor)
cpu1: AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 965 Processor, 3411.64 MHz, 10-04-03
cpu1: 64KB 64b/line 2-way I-cache, 64KB 64b/line 2-way D-cache, 512KB
64b/line 16-way L2 cache
cpu1: ITLB 32 4KB entries fully associative, 16 4MB entries fully associative
cpu1: DTLB 48 4KB entries fully associative, 48 4MB entries fully associative
cpu1: AMD erratum 721 detected and fixed
cpu1: smt 0, core 1, package 0
cpu2 at mainbus0: apid 2 (application processor)
cpu2: AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 965 Processor, 3411.64 MHz, 10-04-03
cpu2: 64KB 64b/line 2-way I-cache, 64KB 64b/line 2-way D-cache, 512KB
64b/line 16-way L2 cache
cpu2: ITLB 32 4KB entries fully associative, 16 4MB entries fully associative
cpu2: DTLB 48 4KB entries fully associative, 48 4MB entries fully associative
cpu2: AMD erratum 721 detected and fixed
cpu2: smt 0, core 2, package 0
cpu3 at mainbus0: apid 3 (application processor)
cpu3: AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 965 Processor, 3411.64 MHz, 10-04-03
cpu3: 64KB 64b/line 2-way I-cache, 64KB 64b/line 2-way D-cache, 512KB
64b/line 16-way L2 cache
cpu3: ITLB 32 4KB entries fully associative, 16 4MB entries fully associative
cpu3: DTLB 48 4KB entries fully associative, 48 4MB entries fully associative
cpu3: AMD erratum 721 detected and fixed
cpu3: smt 0, core 3, package 0
ioapic0 at mainbus0: apid 4 pa 0xfec00000, version 21, 24 pins
acpimcfg0 at acpi0
acpimcfg0: addr 0xe0000000, bus 0-255
acpihpet0 at acpi0: 14318180 Hz
acpiprt0 at acpi0: bus 0 (PCI0)
acpiprt1 at acpi0: bus 4 (PCE2)
acpiprt2 at acpi0: bus -1 (PCE3)
acpiprt3 at acpi0: bus -1 (PCE4)
acpiprt4 at acpi0: bus -1 (PCE5)
acpiprt5 at acpi0: bus 3 (PCE6)
acpiprt6 at acpi0: bus 2 (PCE7)
acpiprt7 at acpi0: bus -1 (PCE9)
acpiprt8 at acpi0: bus -1 (PCEA)
acpiprt9 at acpi0: bus -1 (PCEB)
acpiprt10 at acpi0: bus -1 (PCEC)
acpiprt11 at acpi0: bus 1 (P0PC)
acpipci0 at acpi0 PCI0
acpicmos0 at acpi0
aibs0: TSIF: 0: not a nameref: 257 type
aibs0: TSIF: 1: not a nameref: 257 type
aibs0: FSIF: 0: not a nameref: 257 type
aibs0: FSIF: 1: not a nameref: 257 type
aibs0: FSIF: 2: not a nameref: 257 type
aibs0: VSIF: 0: not a nameref: 257 type
aibs0: VSIF: 1: not a nameref: 257 type
aibs0: VSIF: 2: not a nameref: 257 type
aibs0: VSIF: 3: not a nameref: 257 type
aibs0: no sensors found
acpibtn0 at acpi0: PWRB
"PNP0C14" at acpi0 not configured
acpicpu0 at acpi0: C1(@1 halt!), PSS
acpicpu1 at acpi0: C1(@1 halt!), PSS
acpicpu2 at acpi0: C1(@1 halt!), PSS
acpicpu3 at acpi0: C1(@1 halt!), PSS
cpu0: 3412 MHz: speeds: 3400 2700 2200 800 MHz
pci0 at mainbus0 bus 0
0:0:0: mem address conflict 0xe0000000/0x20000000
pchb0 at pci0 dev 0 function 0 vendor "ATI", unknown product 0x5956 rev 0x00
ppb0 at pci0 dev 2 function 0 "ATI RD790 PCIE" rev 0x00
pci1 at ppb0 bus 4
radeondrm0 at pci1 dev 0 function 0 "ATI Radeon HD 5870" rev 0x00
drm0 at radeondrm0
radeondrm0: msi
azalia0 at pci1 dev 0 function 1 "ATI Radeon HD 5800 Audio" rev 0x00: msi
azalia0: no supported codecs
ppb1 at pci0 dev 6 function 0 "ATI RD790 PCIE" rev 0x00
pci2 at ppb1 bus 3
re0 at pci2 dev 0 function 0 "Realtek 8168" rev 0x01: RTL8168 2
(0x3800), msi, address e0:cb:4e:f9:1b:7d
rgephy0 at re0 phy 7: RTL8169S/8110S/8211 PHY, rev. 2
ppb2 at pci0 dev 7 function 0 "ATI RD790 PCIE" rev 0x00
pci3 at ppb2 bus 2
vendor "VIA", unknown product 0x3403 (class serial bus subclass
Firewire, rev 0x00) at pci3 dev 0 function 0 not configured
ahci0 at pci0 dev 17 function 0 "ATI SBx00 SATA" rev 0x00: apic 4 int
22, AHCI 1.1
ahci0: port 1: 3.0Gb/s
ahci0: port 2: 3.0Gb/s
scsibus1 at ahci0: 32 targets
sd0 at scsibus1 targ 1 lun 0: <ATA, SanDisk SDSSDH21, X211> naa.5001b44994dfd611
sd0: 122104MB, 512 bytes/sector, 250069680 sectors, thin
sd1 at scsibus1 targ 2 lun 0: <ATA, SAMSUNG HD103SJ, 1AJ1> naa.50024e920329b0c7
sd1: 953869MB, 512 bytes/sector, 1953525168 sectors
ohci0 at pci0 dev 18 function 0 "ATI SB700 USB" rev 0x00: apic 4 int
16, version 1.0, legacy support
ohci1 at pci0 dev 18 function 1 "ATI SB700 USB" rev 0x00: apic 4 int
16, version 1.0, legacy support
ehci0 at pci0 dev 18 function 2 "ATI SB700 USB2" rev 0x00: apic 4 int 17
usb0 at ehci0: USB revision 2.0
uhub0 at usb0 configuration 1 interface 0 "ATI EHCI root hub" rev
2.00/1.00 addr 1
ohci2 at pci0 dev 19 function 0 "ATI SB700 USB" rev 0x00: apic 4 int
18, version 1.0, legacy support
ohci3 at pci0 dev 19 function 1 "ATI SB700 USB" rev 0x00: apic 4 int
18, version 1.0, legacy support
ehci1 at pci0 dev 19 function 2 "ATI SB700 USB2" rev 0x00: apic 4 int 19
usb1 at ehci1: USB revision 2.0
uhub1 at usb1 configuration 1 interface 0 "ATI EHCI root hub" rev
2.00/1.00 addr 1
piixpm0 at pci0 dev 20 function 0 "ATI SBx00 SMBus" rev 0x3c: SMI
iic0 at piixpm0
spdmem0 at iic0 addr 0x50: 2GB DDR3 SDRAM PC3-10600
spdmem1 at iic0 addr 0x51: 2GB DDR3 SDRAM PC3-10600
pciide0 at pci0 dev 20 function 1 "ATI SB700 IDE" rev 0x00: DMA,
channel 0 configured to compatibility, channel 1 configured to
wd0 at pciide0 channel 1 drive 0: <SAMSUNG HD154UI>
wd0: 16-sector PIO, LBA48, 1430799MB, 2930277168 sectors
wd0(pciide0:1:0): using PIO mode 4, DMA mode 2, Ultra-DMA mode 6
azalia1 at pci0 dev 20 function 2 "ATI SBx00 HD Audio" rev 0x00: apic 4 int 16
azalia1: codecs: Realtek ALC888
audio0 at azalia1
pcib0 at pci0 dev 20 function 3 "ATI SB700 ISA" rev 0x00
ppb3 at pci0 dev 20 function 4 "ATI SB600 PCI" rev 0x00
pci4 at ppb3 bus 1
ohci4 at pci0 dev 20 function 5 "ATI SB700 USB" rev 0x00: apic 4 int
18, version 1.0, legacy support
pchb1 at pci0 dev 24 function 0 "AMD 10h HyperTransport" rev 0x00
pchb2 at pci0 dev 24 function 1 "AMD 10h Address Map" rev 0x00
pchb3 at pci0 dev 24 function 2 "AMD 10h DRAM Cfg" rev 0x00
km0 at pci0 dev 24 function 3 "AMD 10h Misc Cfg" rev 0x00
pchb4 at pci0 dev 24 function 4 "AMD 10h Link Cfg" rev 0x00
usb2 at ohci0: USB revision 1.0
uhub2 at usb2 configuration 1 interface 0 "ATI OHCI root hub" rev
1.00/1.00 addr 1
usb3 at ohci1: USB revision 1.0
uhub3 at usb3 configuration 1 interface 0 "ATI OHCI root hub" rev
1.00/1.00 addr 1
usb4 at ohci2: USB revision 1.0
uhub4 at usb4 configuration 1 interface 0 "ATI OHCI root hub" rev
1.00/1.00 addr 1
usb5 at ohci3: USB revision 1.0
uhub5 at usb5 configuration 1 interface 0 "ATI OHCI root hub" rev
1.00/1.00 addr 1
isa0 at pcib0
isadma0 at isa0
fdc0 at isa0 port 0x3f0/6 irq 6 drq 2
com0 at isa0 port 0x3f8/8 irq 4: ns16550a, 16 byte fifo
pckbc0 at isa0 port 0x60/5 irq 1 irq 12
pckbd0 at pckbc0 (kbd slot)
wskbd0 at pckbd0: console keyboard
pcppi0 at isa0 port 0x61
spkr0 at pcppi0
it0 at isa0 port 0x2e/2: IT8720F rev 2, EC port 0x290
usb6 at ohci4: USB revision 1.0
uhub6 at usb6 configuration 1 interface 0 "ATI OHCI root hub" rev
1.00/1.00 addr 1
vmm0 at mainbus0: SVM/RVI
dt: 443 probes
uhidev0 at uhub2 port 1 configuration 1 interface 0 "SINO WEALTH
Gaming KB" rev 1.10/90.36 addr 2
uhidev0: iclass 3/1
ukbd0 at uhidev0: 8 variable keys, 6 key codes
wskbd1 at ukbd0 mux 1
uhidev1 at uhub2 port 1 configuration 1 interface 1 "SINO WEALTH
Gaming KB" rev 1.10/90.36 addr 2
uhidev1: iclass 3/0, 12 report ids
uhid0 at uhidev1 reportid 1: input=1, output=0, feature=0
uhid1 at uhidev1 reportid 2: input=2, output=0, feature=0
uhid2 at uhidev1 reportid 5: input=0, output=0, feature=5
ukbd1 at uhidev1 reportid 6: 112 variable keys, 0 key codes
wskbd2 at ukbd1 mux 1
uhid3 at uhidev1 reportid 9: input=0, output=0, feature=255
uhid4 at uhidev1 reportid 10: input=0, output=0, feature=41
uhid5 at uhidev1 reportid 11: input=0, output=0, feature=126
uhid6 at uhidev1 reportid 12: input=0, output=0, feature=255
uhidev2 at uhub5 port 3 configuration 1 interface 0 "Logitech USB
Receiver" rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
uhidev2: iclass 3/1
ukbd2 at uhidev2: 8 variable keys, 6 key codes
wskbd3 at ukbd2 mux 1
uhidev3 at uhub5 port 3 configuration 1 interface 1 "Logitech USB
Receiver" rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
uhidev3: iclass 3/1, 8 report ids
ums0 at uhidev3 reportid 2: 16 buttons, Z and W dir
wsmouse0 at ums0 mux 0
uhid7 at uhidev3 reportid 3: input=4, output=0, feature=0
uhid8 at uhidev3 reportid 4: input=1, output=0, feature=0
uhid9 at uhidev3 reportid 8: input=1, output=0, feature=0
uhidev4 at uhub5 port 3 configuration 1 interface 2 "Logitech USB
Receiver" rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
uhidev4: iclass 3/0, 33 report ids
uhidpp0 at uhidev4 reportid 16 device 1 mouse "Anywhere MX" serial
a4-73-4c-b5, device 2 mouse "Anywhere MX" serial 70-50-7d-3f
uhid10 at uhidev4 reportid 32: input=14, output=14, feature=0
uhid11 at uhidev4 reportid 33: input=31, output=31, feature=0
vscsi0 at root
scsibus2 at vscsi0: 256 targets
softraid0 at root
scsibus3 at softraid0: 256 targets
softraid0: sd2 was not shutdown properly
sd2 at scsibus3 targ 1 lun 0: <OPENBSD, SR CRYPTO, 006>
sd2: 102406MB, 512 bytes/sector, 209727983 sectors
root on sd2a (fc5f92293deef539.a) swap on sd2b dump on sd2b
radeondrm0: CYPRESS
radeondrm0: 1920x1080, 32bpp
wsdisplay0 at radeondrm0 mux 1: console (std, vt100 emulation), using wskbd0
wskbd1: connecting to wsdisplay0
wskbd2: connecting to wsdisplay0
wskbd3: connecting to wsdisplay0
wsdisplay0: screen 1-5 added (std, vt100 emulation)
