Post by jpeg bildworked fine for me, its basically just reinstalling but with the same
configuration as your last install
"not supported" does not mean "_won't_ work", it means "if you try this
and break things, we aren't going to try and change anything to accommodate
you, and really don't expect help"
(there is of course no warranty anyway, but for things which are _supposed_
to work we'll usually try to look into them).
Post by jpeg bildPost by Ashton FaggPost by jpeg bildIf you want to move back to stable, you would have to boot bsd.rd and
select "Upgrade" in the prompt, then install from http with the correct
path for 6.9-stable
…except that’s not supported.
Golden rule with running snapshots around release time: if you want to move
to the standard release version / -stable afterwards, never upgrade to a
snapshot that has "-current" in the version string. You can easily check
after downloading by using what(1) on the kernel.
Care is needed with sysupgrade because after the kernel says "6.9" all you
can do is "sysupgrade -s" to upgrade to a snapshot. It's trivial to tweak
the shell script though.