Post by C. BensendPost by Joseph C. BenderThis I'm wondering about. Was it because of the unit, or because of the
motherboard? I've got a SCO UNIX system at a client that is having lockup
I can only assume it was because of the unit or driver... I tried
the DupliDisk II (two separate units) on three different
motherboards, and they all hung unless I disabled pciide.
Strange. I've not had that problem with the Arco DD-II boxen (with one
motherboard variant, mind you) on OpenBSD(3.1 at the time).
However, Nick Holland has tipped me off to a similiar product that I'm
highly considering replacing these Arco boxes with (if the client buys into
Same thing as an Arco, but no config/mirroring util, and can do it on the
fly. Hell of a lot quieter, and no more SCO IDE issues. Does a nifity
Knight Rider pattern with the LEDs if nothing's going on. *grin*
I'm planning on pitching it to them as a way to help keep their
redundant/backup machine in sync. Right now, they're (supposed to be)
restoring their nightly backups to the redundant machine, testing the
tapes, but I'd like to remirror on a weekly basis, to get them familiar
with the process in case of failure.
I've got no experience with OpenBSD on it yet, but maybe Nick could chime
in on that. 8-)
Signing off,
Joseph C. Bender
jcbender at benderhome dot net