how to fix a install
Olive Power
2021-04-24 14:13:21 UTC
i have a 6.8 install on my old laptop broke out last week i get out the hdd in it and find it able to boot
but after boot it always go into ddb
say the disk not recognized
i think it is the disk duid or gpt guid or something donot match in fstab
so i have a april 18 install.img on usb stick i say before boot on to shell
and i run
sh MAKEDEV sd0 sd1 sd2
as i have a sdd called sd0 on my new laptop
then i fdisk sd2 as it is the number of the old hdd
it show openbsd partition
then i use disklabel sd2
it only show c
which is whole drive
how can i use a install media to fix
fstab on my hdd?
2021-04-24 15:29:40 UTC
O 24/04/21 ás 16:13, Olive Power escribiu
Post by Olive Power
how can i use a install media to fix
fstab on my hdd?
Did the HDD have a problem? If not, I've heard that testdisk can find
BSD disklabels. Give it a try. Then with the root partition mounted just
change the drives on /etc/fstab. Check fstab(5).
Post by Olive Power
the mailing list donot send unregistered user replys to who send the
coresponding message i donot get the respond in the inbox or spam
Well, yes. If you are not subscribed you won't recieve any message.
Post by Olive Power
and is not the password saved in plain text by mailing list violate
the openbsd secure by default
No. Mailing list passwords are only for changing settings, if anyone
stole one the most they can do is spam you with digests and confirm
Post by Olive Power
i want to ask why all lgpl ports are licensed as gpl in cvs
They should not be. If you find any report it to their maintainer.
Post by Olive Power
gpl like gnome make a lot of packages i no use and bind to google
apple mozilla by default use the gnome account
i wonder why u port install the account package by default donot u
consider privacy
OpenBSD is secure *as installed*. After that the user should know what
it is doing before installing anything.
Post by Olive Power
i see arm64 port got improved ffs
i think u can improve it this time as ssd use 4k align
not 512 bytes
There was already a discussion about this. The consensus seems to be
that it does not matter enough to need a change.
Post by Olive Power
and can u publish 6.9 this weekend
Probably not, but you can already check out the latest version.
Post by Olive Power
what are u working on
build ports for no people use arch on a improved qemu patch for openbsd
The best way to obtain this would be to pay an OpenBSD user.
Post by Olive Power
all other linux and bsd and someday haiku and openillous got hashcat port
I'm interested, what is «openillous»?
Olive Power
2021-04-24 15:43:54 UTC
no install.img no testdisk
why disklabel no understand sd2c
also some lgpl as gpl by u selfish
are some window manager
like windowmaker wmii or something like that
cvs no kidding
